Summary of Public Scoping Comments Newsletter Available for Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study

Published by Steve on

What follows is the contents of an email we received from the National Park Service:

Summary of Public Scoping Comments Newsletter Available for
Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study

Thank you for taking time to send us scoping comments to help guide the Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study. We received more than 2,000 comment letters and e-mails. Over the past several months, we have been reviewing and analyzing your ideas, suggestions and questions. We thank you for taking the time to comment. We’ve learned a lot about the issues that concern you, the special places that you value, and what you hope this study process will accomplish. This summary of Public Scoping Comments, “What We Heard from You,” is now available in Newsletter #2.

The public comments focused primarily on the following broad topics:

– suggestions for the scope and definition of the study area
– suggestions for the study process
– natural and cultural resources that the NPS should consider for possible significance
– existing recreational uses and future recreational needs
– issues and opportunities to be considered in the study process

Also included in this newsletter is an update to our “Frequently Asked Questions” and “Next Steps in the Study Process.”

We look forward to staying in touch with you throughout the process!

Anne Dove Margie Steigerwald
Project Manager Planner
We need your help getting the word out!

Given the size and complexity of the study area, we need your help in getting the word out about the study. If you know anyone who would be interested in this study, please forward this message to them and encourage them to sign-up for our distribution list.

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Contact Information

Mail: National Park Service
Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study
570 W. Avenue 26, #175
Los Angeles, CA 90065



Phone: Anne Dove, Project Manager (323) 441-9307
Margie Steigerwald, Planner (805) 370-2373