Board Urged to Oppose Santa Rosa Island Grab

Published by Steve on

A Ventura County supervisor Wednesday asked his board colleagues to join him in opposing any future efforts to give the military special hunting grounds on Santa Rosa Island.

Source of this article – Los Angeles Times, January 19, 2006

By Catherine Saillant, Times Staff Writer

A Ventura County supervisor Wednesday asked his board colleagues to join him in opposing any future efforts to give the military special hunting grounds on Santa Rosa Island.

Supervisor Steve Bennett said U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon) likely would renew his attempts to turn the island into a hunting and recreation haven for military personnel. He said the Ventura County Board of Supervisors should go on record against such legislation.

The board will consider Bennett’s request Tuesday when it votes on a legislative agenda for the coming year.

“This will allow our friends in Congress to have one more thing to point to as evidence of public opposition to this,” Bennett said. “The public paid for this island with the idea that it be made available to everyone. That includes the military. We don’t want the public to lose access to it so that a select few can use it.”

Hunter in December withdrew an amendment to a defense bill that would have transferred Santa Rosa Island from the National Park Service to the Department of Defense. He had sought the transfer to allow disabled veterans and other military personnel and their guests to hunt elk and deer and engage in other recreational activities on the island. But he backed off the amendment after an outcry from environmentalists, Democrats and National Park officials.

He promised to reintroduce a different version of the bill in 2006, with language that would make the island available for the military’s use without transferring its operation from the National Park Service.

But Hunter’s revised language would allow deer and elk populations to remain on the island — a provision that is in conflict with the National Park Service’s plan to eradicate the herds by 2011 in an effort to restore native plants and grasses.

The National Park Service bought Santa Rosa Island in 1986 for $30 million from Vail & Vickers Ltd., a ranching company. Vail & Vickers retained a 25-year right to occupy 7 1/2 acres of the island and to run cattle and operate a commercial hunting operation there.

In 1997, to settle an environmental lawsuit, the company agreed to halt its cattle operations and to begin removing elk and deer populations in 2008.

Channels Islands National Park Supt. Russell Galipeau said he opposes any legislation that would extend the hunting operations beyond 2011. The National Park Service intends to convert to public use the ranch buildings currently used by Vail & Vickers, and to open the entire 52,000-acre island to the public year-round.

Hunting from August to December keeps much of the island off-limits to the public now, Galipeau said.

“We restrict the use of the island for just basically the hunting,” he said. “We don’t want any visitors running into any complications.”

Calling the island a unique resource rich with native vegetation, fossils and Native American artifacts, Bennett said efforts to restore it to its natural state are being “undermined by maneuvers designed to continue a hunting operation that currently benefits few.”

“When taxpayers bought the island it was with the idea to return it to a natural ecosystem,” Bennett said. Vail & Vickers “made an agreement and now that this agreement is ready to run out, they want to change it.”


Hands Off Santa Rosa Island, Board Says

Source of this article – Los Angeles Times, January 25, 2006

By Catherine Saillant, Times Staff Writer

Ventura County supervisors Tuesday roundly criticized a California congressman’s attempt to designate Santa Rosa Island as a recreational hunting ground for the military and voted unanimously to oppose any future attempts to remove the island from the National Park Service.

Although Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon) in December withdrew a defense bill amendment that would have transferred Santa Rosa Island — the second-largest of the five islands that make up Channel Islands National Park — from the National Park Service to the Department of Defense, his staff said last week that he intends to introduce a revised version of the measure later this year.

Supervisor Judy Mikels said the National Park Service bought the island in 1986 for $30 million with the agreement that elk and deer hunting would cease in 25 years.

She called Hunter’s efforts a “ploy” to continue hunting beyond 2011.

“The military doesn’t want this island,” Mikels said. “Hunter is trying to hide behind our men and women in uniform for something that is absolutely dishonest.”

Removing Santa Rosa Island from Channel Islands National Park would be “absurd,” Supervisor Kathy Long said.