3-D map of the Ortega OHV Trail, courtesy of Google Earth, looking north-west. Highway 33 is at the bottom. The red line is Dry Lakes Ridge, and purple is 23W07 that goes through the Matilija Wilderness.
The trail is rated "Most Difficult." That's not promising!
It's a little rocky at the bottom, but nothing bad
This tree is a few feet from the trail
Must have been a fire here years ago. The Forest Service might want to look into putting in a new sign.
The trail is getting a little more rocky, but still not too bad
The main trail, just right of straight ahead, is pretty bad, but people have found a new route to the left, around the big rock
Once we start to climb up the switchbacks, the trail is much better
However, the top of the switchbacks are a little chewed up
Now it's a little rocky and loose, but still okay
The rocks are getting bigger
Beyond the switchbacks, the trail surface is really good
On the north side of the ridge, the trail is shaded and a little overgrown in spots
This part looks like it would be a lot of fun!
Those rocks are too tough for me. Fortunately this is a waterfall and not the trail!
From a trail spur, we can see the lake behind Matilija Dam to the south. It's just to the right of dead center.
Zoomed in, the lake and even the dam, are easier to see
On the other side of the 33 are switchbacks that lead to Nordhoff Ridge Rd
Back to the trail, it looks really good here...
...This would be trouble, but I don't think I would break anything climbing over those rocks...