The bike bell exchange uses a magnetic sheet to hold the bells in place at the trailhead
Oats Peak Trail trailhead
The trail has many humps in it. We saw this characteristic a lot on these trails. This helps keep water from streaming down the trail when it rains and gouging out a big rut.
Mountain bikers on the trail above us
Here we turned off onto the Reservour Flats Trail loop
The two ends of the Reservoir Flats Trail come together.
The lack of humps on this trail leads to this big rut
A good place for lunch on the Reservoir Flats Trail
From here you can see the multi-use Oats Peak Trail and the hiking-ony trail to Valencia Peak above it. That's Valencia Peak at the top. Can you see the mountain bikers on the trail?
Zooming in, it's a lot easier to see the mountain bikers.
You can see Oats Peak in the far distance (upper middle of photo).
Islay Creek Rd on the other side of Isley Creek.
We saw a lot of these signs. More recently built trail superceded the old routes.
The next set of photos are taken from Oats Peak Trail. Here we can see Reservoir Flat Trail in the background. It's not really that flat!
The connection between Reservoir Flats Trail and Islay Creek Rd.
We saw lot of poison oak just off the edge of the trail. Most of it was more mature than this plant.
The Beebe Trail splits off from the Oats Peak Trail
We continued up towards Oats Peak
A little mud on the trail here...
... No wonder, a little stream runs across the trail.
The Beebe Trail and the Valencia Peak Trail on the top of the ridge. You can see some people on the ridge near the right end.
A closer look at the hikers on Valencia Peak Trail.
Someone's at the top of Valencia Peak.
Islay Creek Road below and to the north-east
Bikers on the trail above us