Google Earth view of the Berg Lake Trail at Mt Robson Provincial Park. Mt Robson is in the upper right with Berg Lake just to the left of it. The trail is shown as a brown line.
The Robson River is running high today
We will be on the Berg Lake Trail, but it's too far to go all the way to Berg Lake and back in one day. We hope to get to the Valley of a Thousand Falls
Stuart and Julia spot something beside the trail
A very thin mist hangs a few feet above our heads
The Robson River has a lot of water in it
We catch a glimpse of Mt Robson through the clouds
We get a better view a little further up the trail, but the peak is still completely cloud-bound
Pretty red berries on Devil's Club, a very nasty plant
The trail is very green compared to what we're used to in Southern California
Early on, we see lots of different mushrooms
This is a falls with a short drop. Nevertheless, it has a lot of power behind it!
More mushrooms