Photos are from Karl, Sig, Don, Peggy and Steve. Click on an image to see it full size.
There are two sections of the trail here. You can see how steep the canyon is at the top.
This is the first of many many switchbacks
Below us is a mule train, fortunately headed down so we won't pass them
We're already quite far from the top, but we've only barely started
There are lots of colors and textures in the walls
Another short tunnel, followed by a switchback.
Two hikers about to plunge onwards!
Hmm, the trail looks a little steeper over there. Mostly it's an optical illusion because the lower section is further away from us. Mostly.
There's a deer hiding in the brush beside the trail...
...See it now?
Lots and lots of layers
There's plumbing at the Mile-and-a-Half resthouse. At least, there are indoor facilities.
A section that approximates stairs so the mules don't slip.
There are lots of people on the trail beside the dry Garden Creek. But we didn't make it down that far.
Indian Garden with the Plateau Point trail behind. You can't see the lower section of the Bright Angel Trail from here, it drops into that canyon to the right.