Google Earth view of our route, looking from the east, towards Camarillo. We started at Dos Vientos Community Park, at the end of the "stem" towards the lower-right.
Google Earth view of our route, from the north-west over Camarillo, with Boney Mountain in the distance.
This is the steepest part of the route, so we went up it to be easier on our knees.
Conejo Mountain in the background.
We get some glimpses of some huge houses!
Pausing to admire Boney Mountain to the south-east
Who chose the color forthat fence?
Overlooking Long Grade Canyon and the Oxnard Plain
Taking a break at the twin ponds
It's hard to see the water for all the tall grass growing at the edge
Up higher, a little further away, we have a better view of the ponds
The neighborhood is looking nicer now that the trees are growing up to hide the houses somewhat
That's Conejo Mountain in the background again.
Almost back to Dos Vientos Community Park where we started