View of our route (red line) as seen with Google Earth, looking south-east. Our start location is indicated with the yellow push-pin. Locations of geocaches we visited along the way are shown in green.
Looking over the tools we have to help us find geocaches before we start out on the trail.
The first geocache we found, right at the trailhead!
Shelly sees something hiding in the brush...
Bingo! Second find of the day
Heading up the Triunfo Canyon Trail
Searching for the second geocache on the route
Checking out the swag in the cache container
The Triunfo Canyon Trail ahead of us
Looking for a cache at this switchback
Still on the Triunfo Canyon Trail
What's this?
The cache is hidden in the end of a piece of wood!
Going after a "veggie-hide" cache
A giant puffball mushroom next to the trail
This geocache container is an "ammo can," a surplus military box.
Looking to see what's in the cache
Now we're on the Brookview Trail