Topo map of our route, shown in light blue. We started on the Bark Park Trail (left) and headed south-east on the New Millennium Loop when we got to the top. We turned around after about 3.5 miles.
Google Earth view of our route, looking north-east. The start point is in the lower-left corner.
On the Bark Park Trail
You can see Bark Park below us.
The trail is a little overgrown with weeds, and there is lots and lots of purple sage in bloom. It was more colorful than it looks in these photos.
Intersection of the Bark Park Trail and the New Millennium Loop
There are lots of white flowers up here!
We can see the Pyramid Switchbacks in the far distance
We've turned around and are on the way back
The trail was somewhat overgrown, mostly with mustard but also with thistle in some places
Purple sage
Back on the Bark Park Trail
There were several switchbacks
Back to the bottom