Starting off up the Sandstone Peak Trail
We have a late arrival. Could it be Andy?
Taking a break to help Andy catch up
Climbing to Sandstone Peak
On the way up to Sandstone Peak is this perfect photo location
The monument and the group at the top of Sandstone Peak
Looking west from Sandstone Peak, we can see Tripeaks (almost dead center) and Peak 2701 to the right
Looking east, the ribbon of Yerba Buena Road catches the sunlight
The Channel Islands look a little erie poking up through the thin marine layer
What goes up Sandstone Peak must come back down
The trail to Skull Rock doesn't seem to get much use and is quite overgrown
Sentinals guard Skull Rock
Andy is the first to make it to the top of Skull Rock
Looking over the edge of Skull Rock
Steve watches Andy and Paul on Skull Rock
Paul on Skull Rock
It goes down a long way
Andy joins Paul
Everyone gets back from Skull Rock with no incidents
Getting back to the main trail. More people should go through here to widen it out a bit!
The trail to Boney Peak is much broader (for now)...
The last part of the trail to Boney Peak is narrow, but easy to pass along