Waiting to get started at the bottom of the Guadalasca Trail in Sycamore Canyon
Pete shows off his special trailwork glove
Up the trail we go!
More workers heading up the trail
The sweep and companions, with Boney Mountain in the background
Waiting to get started...
The first group heads a bit further up the trail
They're not so far away, discussing the strategy
A bicyclist shows up. It's CORBA chairman Jeff Klinger
These ruts in the middle of the trail need to be filled in and the high sides (berms) cut down so the rainwater can drain off the trail
This rolling dip will direct the water off the trail without interfering with trail users
Chopping down the berm
Smoothing the surface after leveling the trail
A bug is uncovered on the trail
Making another rolling dip
Jeff joins in the work
Liz pulls the berm down to fill the depression in the middle of the trail
Jeff works on making a drain so the water doesn't pool here and make another big mud hole
Angel likes to show off her hardware. Don't fool with this chick, guys!
A before (closer) and after (further away) contrast
A lot of riders came through as we were working. They all thanked us for fixing up the trail.
Jeff has made a lot of progress on what used to be a mud hole
Clearing a little brush