Working with the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council and the Sierra
Club Task Force, we originally were supposed to work on Roger's Road, but the
fireroad to get there was too slippery for vehicles because of rain the previous
night. Instead we hiked a few minutes to the Santa Ynez Trail from the meeting
place at Tripet Ranch.
Photos of VenturaCountyTrails.Org. Click on an image to see it full size.
Cleaning out a water diversion that's full of silt
Rebuilding another water diversion
Trimming back the overgrowth
Broadening the trail by chopping back the brush and then pulling dirt down to give it a gentle out-slope so water will run off it (rather than down the middle to make a big rug).
You can see how nice broad and even the reworked trail is here now
The trail is now broad and clear, rather than overgrown and rutted when we arrived
There are two or three trail workers up the hill - can you spot them?
Cutting down the berm at the very top of the trail so that water will run off it, rather than down the middle.