Topo map of our route. We started at the Riverview Trailhead at the right side of the map, made our way across the river, then up Wills Canyon for a short loop before returning.
Google Earth view of our route, looking from the north-east. We starte at the lower left.
Starting down the river plain
There's still some water in the river. This was the first of two crossings.
Second crossing
Climbing up from the river plain
Under the oaks of Wills Canyon
Turning onto the El Nido Meadow Trail
The El Nido Meadow
We found a number of benches like this along the way
Group photo on the bridge in Wills Canyon
We saw some other Preserve visitors
Bees collect mud at this little stream, so you have to be careful where you step when crossing. We don't want to crush any of them!
Crossing back across the river, first of two
Last river crossing